Lawn Care Tips from the Professionals


Lawn care will always be an ongoing process for us homeowners, and staying on top of the lawn maintenance will ensure that your yard doesn't look like a barren wasteland in the future. Many believe that in order to achieve a beautiful landscape, you simply need to weed a bit and water the lawn.However, here are a few lawn care maintenance tips and tricks from the professionals at Premier Landscape in RI.

  • Your soil is a living thing. You may think it's just your grass that you need to keep alive. Yet in order to keep the grass alive, the soil needs to be cared for. Landscaping companies in RI recommend organic fertilizer as a great addition to keep the organisms within the dirt happy and healthy.

  • Plant the correct type of grass. Don't just plant the grass that looks the most appealing. When it comes to lawn care, it could be as simple as making sure the species of grass you plant thrives in your area. Contacting a professional landscaping company such as Premier Landscape can help you figure out which type is best.

  • Reuse kitchen and yard sraps. This is a win-win situation: reduce the amount of garbage produced and instead compost the organic matter to use as fertilizer later. Compost is full of healthy nutrients that your lawn and garden need to not only survive, but to thrive. Don't want to make your own? Many landscaping companies throughout RI will have some on hand.

If you didn't need an incentive already to strive for a healthy, happy lawn, note that proper lawn maintenance also improves one's home value by nearly 28%. The first thing potential buyers see when they pull up to a home is the exterior landscape design, so be sure to call up a professional if you plan on making a good impression this year!