Landscaping Ideas to Improve a Shady Yard


When live gives you lemons, make lemonade.This phrase has never been more applicable than to those with shady yards. Did you know that there is something you can do to improve your shaded yard other than wish for your grass to grow? Here are a few ideas that actually work and can even improve the value of your property.

  1. Install a Pathway. Premier Landscape in Rhode Island recommends installing a pathway through your yard to add hardscaping to the foliage. A pathway of simple pavers can create a sense of purpose in the shady space.

  2. Opt Out from Grass. We're sure you've struggled trying to keep your grass alive in your shady yard. Why not simple reduce the grass altogether? Premier Landscape has plenty of recommendations for shade-tolerant plants to fill the space instead.

  3. Create a Cozy Nook. If your yard only has one problem shady area, one quick fix is to add a small patio areawith a bench or install a firepit that people can retreat to in order to get out of the summer sun.

  4. Use Groundcovers. One of the best ways to fill up a shaded area and prevent weeds from growing is to plant groundcovers. Professional landscaping companies can quickly organize a flower bed for you to include vibrant yet durable, low-growing plants.

  5. Add Water Features. Ponds and small streams can create a beautiful setting in your shaded backyard. Everyone wants a little oasis in their yard with the sound of trickling water and Premier Landscape can design a layout just for you.

  6. Choose Bright Colors. Nothing is easier to brighten up a shaded yard than choosing bright flowering plants and shrubs. In Rhode Island, there are many species that thrive well in the New England weather. Choose colors that are eye-catching but don't clash, and always be sure to use green as a backdrop.

Need some help with your shaded yard this summer? Contact Rhode Island's best full service landscaping company, Premier Landscape, for a free estimate!